Why it matters
Why do I need to register?
Why it’s important that you make a donation decision and record it
No one is automatically entered onto the NHS Organ Donor Register. Donation is a personal decision and you have a choice about whether or not you want to donate.
The easiest way to record your donation decision is on the NHS Organ Donor Register. This is a simple process and only takes a few minutes. Whatever you decide, it is important to tell your family and friends as it will make it easier for them to honour your decision.
When it comes to life-saving transplants, time is a key factor. Specialist nurses will always check the NHS Organ Donor Register to see if you had recorded a donation decision, and they will share this information with your family to check that this was your latest view.
What happens if I don’t register a decision?
If you do not register a donation decision, it will be considered that you agree to donate certain organs and tissue for transplantation.
Your family and friends will still be consulted about your latest views to ensure that donation does not proceed if you would not have wanted it to.
Under the opt out system, there are certain groups of people who the law does not apply to. This means that if a person in one of these groups dies in a way that means they could donate, and they haven’t already recorded a donation decision, then their closest family member will be asked whether they wish to authorise donation.

Changing lives
Your decision could give someone else a second chance of life. Read inspiring stories from transplant recipients and donor families about the difference donation can make.
We need everybody
Around half of the Scottish population have already registered a donation decision but we need everybody to make a decision and register it today.
It will only take a few minutes of your time.
Make your choice known
Whatever you decide, talk about it with your family and friends so that they know your donation decision and you know theirs.
Donation and religion
All major religions support the principles of donation and transplantation. It's your individual choice.
About organ and tissue donation
Before you register your decision, you might have a few questions about donation itself. If you’re not sure about who can donate or what’s involved then you’ll find more information here.
Who can become a donor?
All of us can do something to help, whatever our age and whatever our health.
What can I donate?
You can choose what organs and tissue you do or don’t want to donate.