Register your decision now
Donation is a personal decision and you have a choice about whether or not you want to donate.
Register to be a donor
Choose this option if you agree to donating your organs and tissue in the event of your death. If you prefer to, you can choose to donate some types of organs and tissue, but not others. Please tell your family and friends about your decision.
Register not to be a donor
Choose this option to confirm your decision NOT to donate your organs and tissue after your death. This means that you are opting out of the donation of all organs and tissue. Please tell your family and friends about your decision.

Have a few questions first?
Before you make your donation decision you should get the facts, so you can make an informed choice.
Pictured: Ifrah Raza and her brother Adeel. Read their story here.

Living kidney donation
In Scotland there are currently over 400 people in need of a kidney. Living kidney donation is an exceptional gift that can transform the life of someone on the transplant waiting list.
Pictured: Jackie Keogh and her sister, Marion Hunter. Read their story here.